Tallahassee Man Convicted of Drug and Weapons Charges

A Tallahassee man has been convicted of drug and weapons charges after leading police on a chase. According to the arrest report, his vehicle was pulled over for speeding. The police officer saw the suspect looking at him through the rear-view mirror and felt that something was wrong. Instead of approaching the suspect, he called for backup. At that point, the suspect drove away and led police on a chase. At one point, the suspect turned his lights off in an attempt to evade police. He entered an area that had pedestrians and police say that he showed no regard for human life. Once he reached FAMU Way, the suspect began traveling eastbound in the westbound lane. At this point, other officers joined the pursuit. As the pursuit continued, the suspect threw his vehicle into reverse nearly striking several police vehicles. He ran a red light and eventually came to a stop at a market. The defendant eventually ran out of the car while it was moving in reverse.
The suspect, who was now on foot, jumped a six-foot fence in an attempt to evade the officers. He attempted to dump a black satchel bag in a nearby field. The suspect was later apprehended and a gun was found in his possession. Police found that the suspect was in possession of synthetic cathinone, better known as bath salts. They also found scales and other equipment within the disposed satchel and on his person.
Understanding Florida’s weapons laws
Florida is one of a handful of states that make it legal for people to purchase a weapon without a license. However, you do have to apply for a concealed carry permit. In other words, you cannot have a concealed gun on your person without having a license in Florida. Florida does not have a gun registry but still makes it unlawful for certain individuals to carry a gun. Those include:
- Convicted felons
- Domestic violence abusers
- Drug addicts or drug users
- Fugitives
- Mentally ill individuals
- Minors
- Undocumented individuals
The penalties for carrying an illegal weapon in Florida are serious. It is considered a second-degree felony under the law and punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Conviction under the statute would make the individual a felon, which would prevent them from owning guns in the future.
Having an attorney represent you for gun crimes
It is imperative to have an experienced lawyer represent you if you are charged with a gun crime in Florida. The stakes are incredibly high in many cases, and failure to comply with Florida’s gun laws can result in substantial prison time.
The attorneys at Luke Newman, P.A. have helped several individuals who were facing weapons crimes in the state of Florida. Call our Tallahassee criminal defense lawyers today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin defending you from these very serious charges immediately.